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Reboot Infogamer is great!

We are enjoying every minute here, you guys are awesome! Some of you heard some rumours about new SS4… Well lucky you! As for the others, the show is opened tomorrow as well…  😉




Reboot Infogamer started today! We are ready and waiting for you. If you bring beer, we might get chatty about new SS… 🙂


T minus 1…

This is it, one more day before we unleash the beast. Still a lot to do, night is long, blah blah. See you tomorrow!


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T minus 2…

We’ve finally started adding some colors to our booth. Remember, only two more days before Reboot INFOGAMER opens it’s door – be sure to secure your ticket!


T minus 3…

Things are getting serious… The building of 180m2 booth continues at steady pace… Only three more days!



T minus 4…

The booth at this year’s Reboot Infogamer has started to take shape. Visit us at hall 8A from Wednesday!



T minus 5…

And now some great news for all you Croteam fans! We will exhibit at this year’s biggest South East European gaming show – Reboot Infogamer – which is happening right here in our home town of Zagreb, next week, starting on Wednesday 11th and lasting for five full days!

We are also building our booth, where you’ll be able to play Serious Sam and The Talos Principle and meet our team in person. Come hang with us, we don’t bite 🙂

Here is a pic of our booth in progress… or better, the ‘blank canvas’ that we’ll transform into cozy place where magic happens, heh heh heh


Two more weeks

Only two more weeks separate PlayStation players from pure bliss, as Talos Principle hits the shelves on October 13th!

In the meantime, very cool looking boxes started appearing on the net… 😉





Warning: writers detected!

Jonas and Verena Kyratzes were seen in Croteam’s office last week…. But what could they be doing here, knowing that Talos is out and no sequel is planned for now…?

jonas jonas2