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Croteam | Lea Jandrilovic, Author at Croteam - Page 5 of 8 Croteam

Serious Engine 1 Linux source code release in the works

Following the recent release of source code for Serious Engine v.1.10, our good friend Ryan C. Gordon a.k.a. Icculus contacted us regarding his Linux work: “Just dropped Croteam an email to ask if my Linux work can be published too. I’ll report back.”

Back in 2002 he made ports for Serious Sam The First and The Second Encounter for Linux. Here’s what he said:

We were thrilled with his idea, so we gave him a big thumbs up! Stay tuned!


More test reviews for Vulkan, comments from NVIDIA

Release of Vulkan API is currently the hot topic in IT world. Guys from ArsTechnica have tested new API graphics for AMD and NVIDIA. General conclusion is that work still needs to be done but with further improvements the Vulkan could be the next big thing in developers world. You can read the whole review here.

Meanwhile, our colleagues from NVIDIA are quite satisfied with mutual work and cooperation on The Talos Principle.

“Croteam has always been a fantastic developer to work with, their enthusiasm and technical ability ensure they’re always on the cutting edge of technologies. It’s a pleasure to collaborate with them, and we’re especially excited to see The Talos Principle taking advantage of Vulkan on NVIDIA hardware and aligned to release!”, said Tony Tamasi, Sr. Vice President, Content & Technology, NVIDIA.


First test reviews of Vulkan API

Following the recent release of Vulkan API, gamers around the world are making first tests for the mentioned new API graphics. One of the eager future Vulkan fans are the guys from AnandTech who have tested new API release on standard GPU with Windows 8.1. You can read their whole review here.

General conclusion is that the implementation so far is better than expected but in the future we can expect further improvements. Hopefully the developers will know how to use Vulkan API more efficiently.

One of our partners in crime, AMD, are satisfied with the ongoing collaboration on our latest game The Talos Principle.

“AMD collaborated with Croteam to implement Vulkan™ into Serious Engine, igniting the next chapter in AMD’s continued work in the low-overhead API space,” said Graham Sellers, Fellow Software Architect, AMD. “Along with Croteam, we are thrilled enable the acclaimed title, The Talos Principle, for Vulkan™ on Radeon graphics to help bring enhanced experience and performance for gamers.”

We are eager to hear for more test reviews soon.


Best Puzzle Game for The Talos Principle

Happy New Year to everyone, hope you celebrated nicely.

New 2016 has started pretty well for us. The Talos Principle was awarded as Best Puzzle Game by editors at DualShockers. To check if you agree with them, buy and play Talos on Steam.


Talos anniversary!

We are celebrating Talos anniversary and we couldn’t be more proud of it. On December 11th one year ago The Talos Principle was released on Steam.

Thank you guys for supporting us, we really appreciate it.

Now we are ready to make more great games starting with Serious Sam 4. We will keep you up to date with all the news. Follow us on our social media pages, Facebook and Twitter.



Welcome to Steam Autumn Sale

Croteam is offering you great discounts as a part of Steam Autumn Sale. You can get Talos at 66% off and Gehenna at 33% off. Also, all Sam titles are at discount up to 90%.

It’s ideal gift for you and your friends.

Offer ends on December 1st.



Story behind The Talos Principle PS4 Deluxe Edition

Followed by PS4 release, our CMO Damjan Mravunac is introducing you with the Puzzles and Tools featured in the The Talos Principle: Deluxe Edition and the Narrative behind it.
Videos were published by our friends at GameSpot and you can check them out here and here.

The Talos Principle: Deluxe Edition is getting positive reviews

The Talos Principle: Deluxe Edition for PS4 has just been released and the critics are already crazy about it. Eric Hall from We got this covered is one of them.

“A masterpiece from start to finish, The Talos Principle: Deluxe Edition is unlike anything else on the market. The ingeniously designed puzzles provided some of the biggest challenges, and triumphs, I have experienced in gaming in recent years. The puzzles alone would warrant playing the title, but it’s the faith-driven plotline that will hook most gamers in.”

You can read the whole review here.
