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Serious Sam Tormental Equilibrium Update is Live on Steam

Our friends and partners from Gungrounds have launched another huge update to Serious Sam Tormental, and this one will blow you away. The Equilibrium update, as they chose to name it, was made almost entirely based on community feedback and brings forth many new features, as well as tons of bug fixes across the board.

Some of the highlights of this long-awaited update include a brand new difficulty setting – Tourist mode. This, along with some other in-game options allows for a more casual and forgiving experience aimed at those unfamiliar with the genre. The Equilibrium update also enables you to get to know the enemies of Tormental through an in-game encyclopedia.

Serious Sam Tormental Equilibrium update is full of balance changes, tweaks, and fixes, so make sure to check out the full changelog by following the link below. Grab yourself a coffee, before you follow it, as it’s a big one.

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For all things Serious Sam hit Mr. Stone up on Twitter and Facebook. Follow Croteam on Twitter and Instagram, like us on Facebook, and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Oh, and don’t forget to join our ever-growing Croteam family on Discord and Reddit.

Serious Sam Classics: Revolution is out of Early Access!

Happy days! Serious Sam Classics: Revolution is out in the wild as a fully released game. You saw this coming, let’s be honest, as we have recently announced Croteam will help to get this project through the door.

Serious Sam Classics: Revolution is now THE best way to enjoy Classic old-school Serious Sam games, improved and expanded upon with many often requested changes, tweaks, and fixes, as well as a brand new original campaign – Bright Island. The game features 8 new maps, on top of those available in the originals, and some brand new achievements. We mustn’t forget the workshop support, so get in and showcase your modding skills. We can’t wait to see what your imagination will spawn.

Huge thanks and congrats to everyone Alligator Pit and everyone else involved with this project over the past couple of years.

For all things Serious Sam hit Mr. Stone up on Twitter and Facebook. Follow Croteam on Twitter and Instagram, like us on Facebook, and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Oh, and don’t forget to join our ever-growing Croteam family on Discord and Reddit.

Featured Mod – Serious Sam Fusion – Plastic Patrol 2: Replastered

Hey everyone! By now, we really hope you played through Red Day: Episode One, an amazing mod that was the star of our first Mod Feature back in May. We also believe it’s about time for another one. We’ve played some of them recently and decided that summertime is perfect to play through Plastic Patrol 2: Replastered. This custom campaign mode tells the story about the Green Army and a fight to save their home.

Some of the highlights of this really cool mod include six unique maps that you can play through solo or with friends, along with appropriate weapon mods, enemies and everything you’d expect from such a mod. There’s even a decent plane mission, something we’d never expect from a Serious Sam mod.

The mod was made by the powerful Pan, with some help by Mauritsio, UrbanDeHuman, and Soulmyr, so we’re sending massive props their way.

NOTE: To play the mod you’ll need to own SSHD: The First Encounter, SSHD: The Second Encounter and SS3: BFE.

Are you making Serious Sam or The Talos Principle mods yourself? Let us know, we’d love to check them out. For all things Serious Sam hit Mr. Stone up on Twitter and Facebook. Follow Croteam on Twitter and Instagram, like us on Facebook, and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Oh, and don’t forget to join our ever-growing Croteam family on Discord and Reddit.

Unity of Command II Dev Diary – A Seaborne Invasion

Our co-production partners 2×2 Games are steamrolling through milestone objectives list, smashing bugs and shooting down to-do tasks, as Unity of Command II gets ready to invade our PCs later this year.

As always, things start with a daring landing and a brand new Developer Diary detailing all of the mechanics typical for operations of this kind – naval defensive fire, LCVP landing craft ferrying the units involved in the naval assault, and a plane carrying paratroopers.

There’s more, of course, as Tom tries his best to explain Headquarters mechanics, such as command points and HQ branches. If it sounds complicated, no need to worry, it’s just one of those things that you pick up on your way to the front line. Provided you survive.

Check out the full dev-diary by following the link below:

Follow Unity of Command on Twitter and like it on Facebook. Follow Croteam on Twitter and Instagram, like us on Facebook, and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Oh, and don’t forget to join our ever-growing Croteam family on Discord and Reddit.

Unity of Command II progress update – AI and Airpower

Despite the team being hard at work to provide fans with yet another brilliant strategy game 2×2 Games’ head Tomislav has managed to squeeze out another progress update for the upcoming wargame Unity of Command II. In this one, all eyes are kept on the sky, as it brings forth info on aerial actions including bombings, reconnaissance, and airdrops.

The update also focuses on AI and how it takes into account various different elements like player moves, historical facts and mission objectives. Check out the full update by following the link below.

Follow Unity of Command on Twitter and like it on Facebook. Follow Croteam on Twitter and Instagram, like us on Facebook, and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Oh, and don’t forget to join our ever-growing Croteam family on Discord and Reddit.