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SCUM Early Access 3-month Roadmap is Here!

You have spoken, Gamepires have listened, and now you finally have an idea of where SCUM is going. It is going to be a blast, let us you tell you. Happy days!

We won’t go into detail, there’s an elaborate blog post on the SCUM store page for that, but we’ll offer a broken down version instead.

First up, some vehicle changes. Soon you’ll be able to enjoy vehicular gameplay the likes of which you will never forget, as the car physics are getting a huge upgrade. Elsewhere in-game you’ll be able to use a brand new inventory. The one SCUM has now is cool, and all, but nothing like the new one. Cross my heart.

One of the most important updates to SCUM by far is the base building system that will allow you to – build a base! Woooo! Who saw that coming?!

There are tons of changes planned for the following months, so be sure to check out the 3-Month Roadmap blog post by following the link below.


SCUM Update is A Go!

Our partners in crime Gamepires have not let their fame get the better of them, and are still working as hard as they ever were to keep SCUM up to the standards you all expect and deserve.

It is with that in mind that they have prepared another huge SCUM update. Server optimizations, new weapons, fortifications, and reworked cooking mechanics are some of the highlights, so be sure to check out the full changelog below.


Ready to jump back in? You better be, because there’s a long weekend in front of you.

SCUM gets vehicles, modes and a big-ass wipe

The wait is over, and a new SCUM update is upon us. This one is substantial, but the several GB of download is more than worth it as they bring some of the most requested features to date.

One of those is, of course, the ability to drive vehicles. Players are now able to jump into an SUV and drive around, mowing down hordes of enemies, alive or undead.

Also coming with this update is a brand new game mode – Capture the Flag. This one is self-explanatory, so instead of going into detail, we’ll just let you jump in and enjoy it.

Last, but not least. You collectors have a new thing to look forward to – trading cards. They’re almost as awesome as the game itself.

For the full list of changes please visit Steam.

The Talos Principle Now Available on Oculus Store

At Croteam, we have always been firm believers in multi-platform support. Our games can be experienced on a wide variety of platforms, including personal computers, home consoles, and mobile devices.  We take all those platforms super seriously and wish to provide the best possible games to gamers of every background.

Today, we are proud to say that we’ve made another step in our goal to dominate all platforms by releasing The Talos Principle VR on the Oculus Store. Owners of the Oculus Rift VR headset can now enjoy this award-winning philosophical puzzler and the critically acclaimed expansion Road to Gehenna in their own natural environment, so we couldn’t be happier.

SCUM Wild Hunter Update is Live Now

With the latest SCUM update, the boys and girls from Gamepires have added a slew of exciting new features to the most amazing survival game today.

The update introduces bow and arrow skills that you can use for hunting game or other players, and get ahold of some fine little trophies to use for decorative purposes.

While we’re speaking of decorations, there’s a brand new character creation system in place that lets you apply attribute points to your genitals. Size does matter in this one, believe you me.

Check out the full changelog in an elaborate post on Steam.