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Photogrammetry in Serious Sam 4

Slipper of Sudden Death deals area dmg (poison), stuns enemies and – most importantly – ads insult to injury.

Photogrammetry prototype is coming along nicely: Serious Sam should have a new, mighty and frightening weapon at hand. Or foot.

Check out the video below.

Sam meets Talos Principle

Serious Sam’s Bogus Detour has introduced Jammers into the game which was one of the main tools used in The Talos Principle. Sam has borrowed this cool feature to open doors, disrupt turrets and to activate certain buttons. Check the video below!


We’re at the Nordic Game conference

 If you've seen this lecture, you haven't seen them all; Alen speeches continue to be an inspiration for developers . It is, however, going to look a bit like this, but with more mooses. And swag.

If you’ve seen this lecture, you haven’t seen them all; Alen’s speeches continue to be an inspiration for developers . It is, however, going to look kind of like this. But with more elks. And swag.

Ok, we’re not there yet, but we’re traveling to Malmo, Sweeden. Our CTO, Alen Ladavac, will be at the Nordic Game conference 2016 soon, giving a lecture on making big games with small teams – The Talos Principle post-mortem.

Croteam has always tried to optimize the development process and attain high production values with a small but effective team. This post-mortem of the critically acclaimed The Talos Principle describes the principles, tools and processes used to achieve that.

If you’re at Nordic, come and listen, or get in touch with us. This Friday. Noon. Sharp. See you there!