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We are at Gamescom!

Members of our team have successfully arrived in Cologne to be part of world’s biggest video game event, Gamescom 2015. And now they are ready to party. No, just kidding. There are in Cologne to do some serious business and that’s to promote everyone’s favorite puzzler The Talos Principle and it’s extension Road to Gehenna.

While they are preparing to this hard work, we are bringing you one of the writers, Jonas Kyratzes in action.



Oldest Serious Sam secret is finally out!

14 years after releasing Serious Sam, it’s deepest secret is finally out! And that is how to beat the Sacred Yards without killing an enemy. Sounds serious, right!?!

Sacred Yards is one of two hidden levels in the original game. Usually you would need to blast hundreds of enemies in order to pass the level but this time CEO and lead designer Roman Ribaric had something else on his mind. The level has a simple layout so he wasn’t sure if it is good enough for the main game but still he and the team decided to kept it as a secret one.

So now, 14 years later, the secret is finally revealed.

You can read the article here

Meet us at Gamescom 2015

Members of our team will be presenting The Talos Principle and it’s extension Road to Gehenna on Gamescom next week. Gamescom, the world’s largest computer and video game event will be held in Cologne, Germany from August 5 – 9th in Cologne Exhibition Centre.

Croteam will be presenting as a part of Devolver Digital in hall 2.2, stand D72. You can check out the location here.

If you are in Cologne next week make sure to visit us!

The Talos Principle PS4 release date unveiled!

It’s official – The Talos Principle Deluxe Edition will hit PS4 on October 13th! 🙂

This definitive version contains the original puzzler and the ambitious expansion The Talos Principle: Road to Gehenna. Alongside the digital version, introspective PlayStation fans will also get a special boxed release of The Talos Principle: Deluxe Edition courtesy of Nighthawk Interactive in North and South America.

We are very happy to share this news with you, as we worked very hard to bring game to PlayStation hardware in all of its glory, and by the looks on the faces of few of you who had a privilege to play it during development, I think we’ve done a good job!

Croteam at GDC Europe 2015

Alen Ladavac, Croteam CTO, will held a lecture at Game Developers Conference (GDC Europe) in Cologne next week. Topic is Fast iteration Tools in the Production of The Talos Principle where Alen will show approaches that were used in creating the tools for The Talos Principle. Lecture is intended for game developers who are working on game content.

GDC Europe is largest professionals – only game industry event in Europe and it is a platform for learning and networking between European game developers. Alen’s lecture is part of Independent Games Summit which is a hub for European indie development, with topics such as business, game design, distribution and much more.

For more information please check the official web page of GDC Europe.